Sunday, January 31, 2010

Pecked to Death by Ducks

To be nagged to produce (you know who you are!) is (probably) better than to be pecked to death by ducks, therefore I'm starting a photography blog.

In the last few days Oklahoma has been turned into a winter wonderland, so, with camera in hand, Ron and I took a walk yesterday to the conveniently-placed-at-the-end-of-our-street river. I thought I would shoot some landscape pictures but ended up mostly taking pictures of people having fun in the snow. And a train. And birds. And a house. Plus a fashionable pooch. Photography is partially about opportunity.  My photography is all over the place.

Pictures in next post, since I can't figure out how to post them within the post but after the text.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure whether to say 'yay' or cackle madly. I'll do both. Yay-buahahahahaha!
