Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Thing #14 Technorati revisited

For some reason, the first time I searched the blog directory for
"windows 7", I didn't get many blog results. The second time I got many results. Then I refined the search by date so that I could see the blogs with newer posts and I found this useful site which I intend to explore further and maybe bookmark in delicious.

Thing #13 delicious

I had an account but hadn't added any bookmarks yet, so I added a few of my most frequently visited sites. There's a mobile version, which I suspect is how I will take the most advantage of this. Also, I'm new to Windows 7 - I will be doing a lot of exploring tutorials and articles on it in the near future and probably adding bookmarks to the best sites I find related to that.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Thing #10

Thing # 9

    Of the news feed search sites explored in this "thing", the one that I've used is Google Reader's "explore" and "browse for stuff" options. When I first started using Google Reader I grabbed a few bundles covering topics that I'm interested in (this is what I'm in the process of trimming right now). I found many interesting feeds this way (some of which I'll even stay subscribed to :-)).

Topix: I input my area code - this may be a good way to keep up on Sand Springs news.

Technorati: Will bear more exploring. I'm looking through the "top 100". I'm subscribed to a few of those.

Syndic8: Not crazy about the interface.

   I don't know how much I will be actively looking for feeds by using these search engines. I tend to add feeds of sites I visit often. Most of these I've discovered through browsing, searching on Google, or being referred to them.

Thing #8 Google Reader

I have been using this for a while and I love it!  I've organized my feeds into folders for Photography, Books, Theology, Iphone, Blogs I Follow, TCCL and some others. It *is* very addictive and I had more subscriptions than I could handle so recently I went through some trimming. We also had to buy a new computer a couple of weeks ago and, with all the work of installing programs, transferring files and duplicating settings, I have really appreciated that all I had to do was sign into my Google Reader account and all my feeds were still there.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Thing # 7 Hipstamatic!

A phone camera is not the same as a dslr - not even close - but I've found myself using my iphone camera more and more this last year or so and really enjoying it. For one, it helps me try out things I don't feel comfortable yet trying with my Sony Alpha, like street photography. I feel intrusive taking pictures of people out on the street. I know others do it but it's something I have to learn and the iphone camera is helping me with this. For another, this is the camera that IS ALWAYS WITH ME! Chase Jarvis, a well known iphone photographer, has written a book called "The Best Camera". The title references his assertion that "the best camera is the one that is with you". There's a companion iphone app to the book, which brings me to the third reason I love taking photos with my phone. The apps! There are so many wonderful ones and many of them are geared towards retro photography, the kind of photography this camera really shines at.

My favorite app so far is Hipstamatic. It is based on a toy camera invented by two brothers in 1982. For some background history on the original hipstamatic, including the tragic story of its inventors, follow this link.

Hipstamatic for the iphone lets you try different combinations of lenses, film and flashes. There are a myriad of combinations. For a very helpful chart look here.  I have to confess that though I've tried several different combinations, I keep coming back to the John S. lens/Blackeys BW combo.

Here are some pictures I took in downtown Tulsa during a foggy day and in the park across from our church a few days later. "The Hat" was taken at Applebee's, of all things :-).