Sunday, April 25, 2010

Thing #26 Streaming Media

I'm already registered with Pandora, have created several stations and I love the Pandora app, which I have on my Iphone. I knew of but had never used it, so for this exercise I conducted an experiment. I brought up both sites but did not sign into Pandora nor register with Then I tried to create a Blackmore's Night radio station on both. It worked immediately with Pandora (again, without my signing in) but, though brought up a Blackmore's Night media window, it never played anything. I do like how shows me similar artists (but I like the Genius feature on Itunes better). As for Pandora, I love how it tells me *why* it has chosen music for me, as in: "we're playing this track because it features folk roots, a subtle use of vocal harmony, acoustic sonority, acoustic rhythm guitars and many other similarities identified in the Music Genome Project." That is soooo cool!

For a long time (an excruciatingly long time) we weren't able to take advantage of Hulu because our so-called broadband wasn't sufficiently broad. However, 6 months ago dsl became available in our area (I am still dancing my happy dance!), so we've been able to use it. Great for when you miss a show! But no Criminal Minds??? What's up with that? :-)

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